Wednesday, January 30, 2019


If you’ve stumbled across this blog, then congratulations. Perusing around for a new blog to follow somehow got you here. Where is here? Well...that’s what I’m trying to figure out!

In this day and age, particularly here in America, there are expectations for where one should be at, how one should be living, as well as what “should” make one happy. Yet I find myself at a quandry.

Let’s backtrack a bit...

I’m a millenial. (I can already here people clicking away). I am not the media-cycled “lazy, out-of-touch-with-reality” person. Burnt out? Oh heck yes! I only recently cut back my workload from a full-time job & a part-time job (on top of part-time schooling) to only doing a part-time job & part-time schooling. I DO already have a four-year degree in Agribusiness and I am currently working on an Associates in Equine Applied Science. We can spend several posts discussing generations, but not right now. We’re just getting acquainted after all.

I am blessed to have an American Pit Bull Terrier (there go more people) named Lucky. He is the sweetest boy who loves to go to pet stores & walks or really anywhere so long as he’s with me. I also have a Goldfish named Rory. Many people are surprised at how much personality he has, as well as his size. Let me tell you, it’s amazing what proper care can do.

Hobby wise, I predominantly work on art in various mediums and collect model horses. They make me happy. Which brings us to the point of this blog.

While many may consider me young, being merely in my 20s, I recently found myself at, the above mentioned, quandry. I have had many existential questions swirl through my head, but the dominant one is what gave birth to this blog: what is happiness?

From there: what does it mean to be truly happy?

As I researched the subject: are we striving for something that is fleeting?

I could keep going, but happiness is another topic for another day. I eventually settled on the question: what makes a quality life? And THAT is what we’re going to explore together. Yet I STILL wasn’t ready to make my first post.

I took a step back and started to re-evaluate how I wanted this blog to go. Yes, I want to do research on tbese topics as it’s fun and intriguing. However, I cannot do it each blog post. It’s time consuming, and it can be a bit draining. Plus, was I going to make  this counter-productive? After all, I want to figure out/experience a quality life.

With that last thought, we reach this first post. The introduction. Here you will get to read my adventures as I work towards having a quality life. As you follow along I hope I inspire, get you thinking, as well as keeping you engaged. I’ve got a lot to learn (and maybe you do to?) But really, isn’t just the want and wonder if such a thing the first step to having a Quality Lifetime?


This blog will be updated regularly on Tuesdays & Thursdays.

Till the next time!

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