Wednesday, June 26, 2019


Fair warning: this is pretty much a rant.

I find myself, more & more, despising generalizations. All men are this... All women are that... Enough already! Seriously! Not all people, genders, races, religions, etc. fall into one neat little package! It’s just not a thing.

My biggest pet peeves have been the generalizations regarding college students who are in debt & millennials.

The college students one that has been irritating me is in regards to college vs. trade schools. To sum it up, it basically says all college students are in debt, lazy, out of touch with reality, all have philosophy or art degrees & the best one-think they’re smarter than everyone. Guess what? That’s bull! I for one work my butt off to try & repay the debt I incurred while going to college. Also, while I am happy that trade schools are getting promoted more now—do you know why that is? Because a vast majority of my generation is in debt because we were basically told this by society (friends, family, teachers, etc) “Go to college, get a degree. Better jobs will be available to you!” Minor problem there: the jobs that used to be entry level to previous generations now require a degree & experience. We can’t even get into these “entry” level jobs. Also, because we try to be responsible adults, we end up at minimum wage jobs that barely pay our bills. Yet we’re portrayed as bad guys. Go figure.

Which leads us to the next generalization: millennials. My biggest pet peeve of this one (& it’s a biggie, but we’ll just go over this one point) is that all millennials are lazy. My God! This is such a big issue that the term “elder millennial” has been coined in a desperate attempt to distance one’s self from the generation. I cannot even begin to describe how frustrating it is to be at work & told that millennials are lazy. I ask of they think I’m lazy & as I am a good worker, I get the response “no”. I’m a millennial, ergo not all millennials are lazy. Quite frankly, I’ve met very few millennials who are. My peers & I went through college (many of us having one to two jobs too), we STILL work one to two jobs to try & JUST make ENDS MEET. Yet we’re the problem in society because we aren’t buying cars, houses, or diamond rings/jewelry (eyes roll). WE CAN’T AFFORD THOSE THINGS! Plain & simple. We don’t have the money to buy those things. We are worried about paying the bills. We are worried about having food on our plates & fuel to get to work in our clunkers. We are worried about trying to get those jobs we were promised so we can get out of the HELL HOLES we’re stuck in. We’re worried about our futures & whether or not we even have then.

That’s what we’re worried about. Maybe not all of us, as that’s a generalization & I know there are lazy, rude people in this world (I work in food service), but many of us. The in debt college students/graduates & millennials.

Sorry about the rant, but these things need to be said.

Till the next time.

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