Thursday, May 30, 2019

Model Horse Appreciation: Part I

I'm a model horse hobbyist, and I greatly enjoy my hobby. It has various aspects including customizing, showing, tack making, etc. In all honesty, it's not too different from say model trains.

Today, we'll just look at some of my OF (Original Finish) models in the Traditional (1:9 scale).
(Breyer Mid-States Exclusive: Nodin)

(Breyer SR: Flabbehoppen)

(Breyer SR: Polaris)
(Breyer Buttercup)

(Breyer Hickory Hills Wall Street)

We'll leave it at a few each time. No need to overwhelm! Till the next time!

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

May Madness Madness: Part Three: My Medallion is Complete!

First off, let me start out by saying that I'm sorry for not posting last week at all. Life threw me a bit of a curve ball and I needed time to recoup.

I did finish my Ronald the Mule medallion, sculpted by Audrey Dixon, and dubbed him "Wowza" as I already have a "Ronald" as I was lucky enough to purchase one that Audrey Dixon painted to a lovely, dappled pearly grey!

Also, I did not take progress photos when I finished Wowza. What I ended up doing was another two layers of white pastels over the darkened spots, as well as a bit of light brown on the face to tone down the white markings and black spots there slightly too. Once that was done, I went back in with colored pencils, tweaked the white and black spots on face, added a bit more variation to the mane, and then proceeded to seal Wowza with a matte sealer spray and then I glossed his eye. I think he turned out quite well!

(He turned out quite cute! I mean who can resist that face?)

(Audrey Dixon's dappled pearly gray mule & my own spotted mule in my curio)

While my official medallion is done, I am hoping to at least get one of the three I purchased done. Plus, we can't forget about all the other awesome medallions that are being worked by Model Horse Blabbers!

Till the next time!

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

May Medallion Madness: Part Two: Combining the Knowledge

Last week after working on my medallion with Shannon, I did put in a little more work. I cautiously, shaved a small bit off my drawing pastels (though not a lot as I quite like them for drawing on paper!) and tried to add more layers of white.

(First layer of extra white-can't really tell the difference...)

When this proved unsuccessful I transitioned to an acrylic wash and darkened some of the spots that were meant to be black based off my reference.

(White wash and darkened spots along with eye started as I had the white paint out anyway, right?)

From there, I used colored pencils to work on softening edges as well as continuing to use acrylics to work on the eye. I will say, this medallion has a lovely eye if I do say so myself (and I am!).

(Where I left off for the time being.)
Once I have different pastels & pigments in hands, I will go back and do another layer or two of white to soften the body as well as several spots on the face. This Ronald the Mule medallion is coming along well, and I'm looking forward to finishing it.

Till the next time!

Friday, May 10, 2019

May Medallion Madness: Part One: Adventures in Pastels

My apologies for going silent unexpectedly. Finals took precedent over everything else, but we're back!


May Medallion Madness has started and it's off to a fantastic start on Model Horse Blab (we kept it small for this first year)! We've got 20 participants and it's going amazing! People have started on their medallions or are prepping them.

Me? I got my first experience in working with pastels. Granted, I could have picked an easier color to start with, but, it does give me more to work with/play around with. Shannon was kind enough to bring her pastels so that we could work with them. She worked on a CM Breyer SM mule.

Below, you can see the progression of layers up until my stopping point:

Last but not least, Shannon's adorable Mule in-progress.

Till the next time!