Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Finding Happy: The Start of a Journey

In any journey, one must first start with a goal in mind. We've looked at the definitions of happy, fulfillment and success, as well as the differences between happiness in America and happiness in the happiest country in the world. Now, as we start on finding happiness, we should start by identifying what makes each of us, as an individual, happy. For me:


Some things are easier to achieve in the current weather than others. I love nature, but I prefer not to get frostbite in the process. I've been gradually working on getting back into working on art and writing (both via this blog and through other projects). Reading I do on a fairly regular basis, so I've been doing good on that front. My pets I interact with everyday, but I need to make more time for them. Then there are horses. That's definitely a whole blog post on its own! Of course, there are friends! Where would many of us be without friends?

Every journey has its difficulties, and finding ones happiness definitely has them, and it will vary from individual to individual. While looking at finding happiness , and through that what makes a quality lifetime, we will also explore the hardships and down times that inevitably will happen.

I'll end this post with the question: what makes you happy?

Till the next time!

1 comment:

  1. Besides the items listed, I love to learn. Knowledge makes me happy. I suppose accomplishment and the journey towards goals - the mix of both the ups and downs mentioned. Opportunities, experiences, and possibilities - all part of that whole “happiness” concept and state.
