Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Why the Rush?

While I really didn't have a blog post planned for today, this wasn't originally what I had in mind to type. But due to the lovely weather here in the Midwest, I thought I'd address this here.

If there is one thing I really don't understand when it comes to nasty weather, or even in general, is how much people-especially when driving-seem to have a blatant disregard, for not only their lives, but others' lives too. What can possibly necessitate throwing out all caution and common sense that red lights are driven through, stop signs are ignored, passing in no-passing zones, speeding through construction zones, etc.

I get it, there are emergencies that do require haste, and I understand that. However, I think we all need to keep in mind that it's better to take a step back and get things in perspective.

Is there really-and I ask this question sincerely-that people need to show such blatant disregard for life in general? I, for one, cannot think of anything. Not my job, not my schooling, nothing. Zip. Nadda. At the end of the day, things can be re-scheduled. Yeah, it sucks, but at least I'm safe and I get to live another day! That's a plus to me!

There really is something that needs to be said for the saying "stop and smell the roses". Stop, take a moment and appreciate what's around you and/or what you have. No. Really. Take a moment-right now-stop reading-this blog should still be here-it's okay-and take a second, or a minute, or two, or more, and appreciate what's around you and/or what you have. Life really is a beautiful thing. It's crazy, and it's got its ups and downs, but all in all, it's beautiful.
So the next time you're in a hurry, try and mentally step back from the situation and ask yourself: "is this really worth me nearly killing myself-and possibly others-over?" I think you'll find that 99% of the time, the answer is no. So slow down, obey traffic laws, and be considerate of the other drivers on the road. Heck, you can apply this to other aspects of your life too, not just the roadway. But again, as I was just driving in crappy weather with crazy drivers, I think it needs to be said.

Once again: why the rush? Just take a moment and slow down. While there is a saying life is too short-we make it all the truer if we do stupid things with said lives.

I hope this was thought provoking and not as rambling as I feel it is with my sleep deprived brain. I'm off to bed!

Till the next time!

1 comment:

  1. Right?!? I agree that perspective needs
    to be gained, especially with regards to driving safely. In the great scheme of things, our society is much too hurried in non-life-or-death situations! Slow down, everybody.
