Thursday, March 7, 2019

Happiness in Exercising

I had long forgotten the benefits of exercising until I resumed actively working out at least 10 minutes/day per my company challenge. I tend to up the time to 20 or even 30 minutes. Regardless, I have begun to remember why I loved to exercise, or more specifically run.

Back in high school, running started to become hard when I got shin splints, and while I had brief revivals of running and exercise in college, the pain in my legs was too much to handle.

Now, I don't have the pain, and instead, I can enjoy the benefits of exercise & running! I do a variety of exercises, and I have incorporated running 2 days a week. When it's warmer, I'd like to do 3 or more days a week.

But what exactly are the benefits of exercise? Does it have to be strenuous?

The benefits are as follows:
-It can make you feel happier through endorphin release
-It helps with weight loss
-Helps with bone density
-Reduces muscle mass loss
-Boosts energy
-Reduce risk of chronic disease

And that's only naming a few benefits!

As for whether it has to be strenuous or not, I am not a trainer. However, I've found the best advice I've received is that it should be a challenge.

There are many different ways to exercise too! People forget that activities like yoga are a form of exercise, and work your body in a different way. Love to dance? That's a form of exercise! Horseback riding? Heck yes! There is so much that can be done!

Be sure to vary your routines, otherwise you may grow bored with what you are doing. Keep things interesting! Try new things! That was my biggest problem-I let my routines become routine so that I did not look forward to them. Now, knowing what I know, I find it's a great way to boost my happiness level for the day as well as my energy level (as I tend to work/keep long days).

Do what you can, and watch how exercise not only affects your body, but your mental and emotional states too.

Till the next time!

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