Thursday, March 28, 2019

Let's Just Sit Back...

And look at some more pictures :)

(Picture taken from that exact angle. Lucky is such a good, cooperative pupper.)
(Fun view from under the trees' canopy.)

(You can see why people believe(d) in fairy folk with fungi like this.)

(Rusty-colt taking a little rest in the shelter.)

(Goat Close & Personal)



(Nearly blind Betta, Dude, peeky-peeking.)

(Modes of transportation.)

(Look at that tail!)

(Zip-few spots/near white Appaloosa gelding...I miss this guy.)

(Smell the flowers-or do what Merlin did a second later-DIE FLOWER DIE!..He was a grumpy betta...and the flowers were fake.)

(Lucky's adorable eyes!)

(Natural abstract)

(Fluffed up squirrel)

And we'll end on one of my all time favorites. Till the next time!

1 comment:

  1. Loving all the photos!!! I miss traditional TRUE light-on-emulsion film photography but digital has its place too. Nice posts!
